
Comec Italia spricht deutsch

da redazione
Die Homepage von Comec Italia, dem bewährten Ansprechpartner für Tampondruckmaschinen auf internationalem Niveau, gibt es nun auf mehrfachen Wunsch der wichtigsten Kunden auch in der deutschen Version. Mit einer konstant aktualisierten Homepage in 5 Sprachen trifft unser Unternehmen in einem Mo... scopri di piu >

Comec Italia speaks German

Comec Italia, an established reality in the production of pad printing machines at an international level, to meet the numerous requests from its primary customers, launches the German version of its corporate website. Thus it enters the heart of Europe, at a time when it is necessary more than e... scopri di piu >

Comec Italia parla tedesco

Comec Italia, affermata realtà nella produzione di macchine tampografiche a livello internazionale, per venire incontro alle numerose richieste da parte dei suoi primari clienti, lancia la versione in tedesco del proprio sito aziendale. Entra così nel cuore dell’Europa, in un momento in cui Ã... scopri di piu >

The machine of the month, March: tools

The DIY industry is constantly expanding. It is a world made of often very colorful objects, of different sizes, which need to stand out from each other through large logos and brands. Often they also need clear and precise prints that are a guide and help in using the tool. For decades Comec Ita... scopri di piu >