The machine of the month: September, medical sector

Catheters, syringes, dispensers, but also ampoules, baby bottles, bottles and jars: all these objects require an absolutely precise print for their correct use.
For almost 50 years Comec Italia has been at the side of the world’s leading medical and pharmaceutical companies with the precision and high reliability of its pad printing machines. Graduated scales, quantities, instructions and any other information with Comec Italia will arrive clear and precise to the person who will use the printed object.
As always, the range goes from small manuals machines adaptable to various productions to large automatic pad printing lines designed to fit the required application. The machine that prints on the catheters, for example, can print at 360 ° up to 13 colors, on catheters of various sizes.
We are in September, the month when everything starts! Plan your project in the medical sector with Comec Italia! Contact us!